Monday, December 14

Etsy Front Page Stat Tracking with Handmade Compete

This past week one of my necklaces made it on the front page of Etsy.  I was able to keep track of what kind of traffic and views came from the feature using Handmade Compete

Below you can see the jump in views to the item.  This item averages about 5-15 views per day, but this day yielded 139.  Handmade Compete tracks and stores your views to each individual item, so you can go back and compare what happened on certain days.
(Click pic for a larger view)

This next shot shows you the over all traffic increase to my shop that were direct results of being featured on the front page of Etsy.  This holiday season my shop has been averaging about 300-500 views to my items per day.  The day with the front page feature yielded 807.  You will also notice that Handmade Compete allows you to compare item views day to day and month to month.  You can see that I am on track to about double my traffic from November to December.
(Click pic for a larger view)


Iris McWilliams said...

Great tool, thanx for the tip! I love the piece you've posted here by the way!

Iris :)

timothy said...

Thanks Iris! It is one of my fave necklace

Lavender Rabbit said...

Awesome site, thanks for the tip. Congrats on the fp, gorgeous necklace!


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