Tuesday, November 17

Setting up Google Analytics for your Etsy shop

Google Analytics is a very powerful tool to use when marketing your handmade goods.  Google Analytics allows you to track incoming traffic to your Etsy shop.  You can even get extremely detailed info like what time of day your visitors are viewing your Etsy shop.  This video below will walk you through step by step how to set up an Google Analytics account and then add your Etsy shop.

If you are looking for more indepth information about what Google Analytics can do for your Etsy business check out this Google Analytics video that explores in depth how to read and process the info found in Google Analytics.


BaldiBearART said...

Great post thanks. I have set up Analytics but can't get it to work! I will go through this video see what I doing wrong. I think once up and going I agree it will be a great tool.

timothy said...

Justine.... I hope this helps out.. let me know!

paula said...

omg it was so simple, but i couldnt figure it out by myself! i really appreciate it! ill let you know when the yellow sign becomes green! Ja i hope i did it ok.

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