This past weeks Top 10 items received a total of1159 hits...
- Bight Jellyfish
- Zest
- Big Red Bead
- HandKint Scarf
- Blueberry Muffin
- Tulip Sun
- tea cup
- Picasso Jasper
- Gathering Flowers
- Happy Flowers Tea Pot Cozy
Tune in to my Twitter channel every Monday at NOON for the top 10...
You can also find the Top 10 over on Plurk!!!
If you would like to have your Etsy shop considered Leave a comment on this blog post telling me what item from last weeks Top ten you like best!
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is the Thread for this week.
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I love this one!
Happy Flowers Tea Pot Cozy
I really like the Happy Flowers Tea Pot Cozy. I think it's a great idea and really sweet. Thanks for keeping Top 10 Monday Going Tim!! Great work.
I loved Top 10 from last week!
I love jaspers!
Great choices--I really love the jellyfish onesie though (the jaspers are wonderful too).
Really nice choices this time, I love the Black and Silver Scarf by Tinateee! It would go great with my entire winter wardrobe :)
Actually the Big Red Bead ring... awesome photography!
Tulip Sun is my favorite!
My favorite is the Picasso Jasper!
my favorite is the Chocolate Bliss cold process soap - looks yummy!
Please include me to be in the next top ten, Thank you.
My favorite is Big Red Bead Ring very cool
that bright jellyfish shirt is so cute! i love it!
I love the flowers tea pot cosy!
They are all fab though!
the Bright Jellyfish Onesie is very cute...
I bet the blueberry muffin candle smells divine, so I chose that!
I would love to be considered
I loved the tea cup and the Bight Jellyfish!! But it's hard to choose...
I waiting for this week top!
Zest is my favorite. Orange is the new black.
I love the long jasper necklace!!
I love the hand knit scarf by Tinateee; it's really elegant!
Has to be the jellyfish onesie! So cute!
I love the tea pot cozy! Such a great idea!
Hey! It's My Birthday! And I really love that Bright Jellyfish Onesie. Too bad it won't fit me and I don't have a baby. What's up with that??
Thanks T.A.!
I love the jellyfish onesie! Super cute and whimsical. thanks for the Top 10 Mondays Tim!
Love the tea cup, #7!
I so love the "Gathering Flowers" dress. What an enormous amount of work that went into it! If I had a little girl, I'd be ordering something from their shop!!
I love the teacup artwork best this week
That jellyfish onesie is too cute!
I would love to be considered for the new top 10 :)
OOPs picked something from one of those shops not from the top ten listed, so here is my correct pick:
Bright Jellyfish Onesie
Please include me to be in the next top ten, Thank you.
My fav was Tulip Sun. Love the vivid colors!
I can almost smell this candle:
I would love to be considered,
My favorite item from last week would be Jelli's Zest earrings.
Oh, the Tea Cup is definitely my fave! I have a whole tea theme in my kitchen and it would be perfect!
I love Tulip Sun ACEO I love the whole shop.. it always makes me smile when I see something from there.. I love watching for new items.. plus she is the sweetest shop owner.
I love the jellyfish!!! www.robynsart.etsy.com
now going to the thread...
Tulip sun! Very bright and simple design.
I adore the Big Red Bead http://tr.im/feb2num3 It's so unique!! And a great pic, too.
The Blueberry muffin candle!
Looks great and I can imagine it smells even better
I would love to be featured! http://JohnMetBetty.etsy.com. Thanks Tim!!
#9 is BEAUTIFUL!! Great, great job.
oops forgot to mention my favorite - the Jellyfish Onesie is definitely my favorite from last week!
Like this one:
My vote? Big Red Bead.
I like how they used a model in the primary image- it evokes images of hanging out at a coffee house with a funky funky ring on.
I think Zest is gorgeous!
Gathering flowers is lovely and would great on many children I know....
My favorite is the piscasso jasper necklace by knotart. What a beautiful necklace!!!!
I like the Bright Jellyfish!
Me: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=71768
My favorite is the piscasso jasper necklace by knotart. What a beautiful necklace!!!!
My fav is the "Bright Jellyfish" ...the design is fluid and organic -- two things that appeal to me most.
I like the teapot cozy!
"tea cup" is my favorite! i want that hanging in my kitchen!
That blueberry candle is great, wonderful seller also!
the jellyfish is definitely my favorite item last week :D
Hi Tim,
I LOVE the earrings (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=10637050) Grey and Orange just go so well together, it could be any season!
Renovia, Endless Whimsy
Love the silver and black scarf - one of my fave colour combos! (Though the jellyfish onesie is pretty cute!).
my favorite is the bright jellyfish one. I don't have a kid, but if I did he'd have that! haha.
I love the Happy Flowers Teapot cozy. Great top 10!
I like the simplicity of Picasso Jasper.
I love the tea cup -- but I'd prefer coffee in mine! :)
I love the Big Read Bead - great picture too!
I love Zest... Carnelian and dark Sapphire is a brilliant combination :)
A hard choice this week, but definately the Big Red Bead
love love those jasper beads!
here's my lovely shop!!!
I love the rabbitwhiskers shop and especially that gathering flowers item! Beautiful pick.
My favorite is the tea pot cozy ~ very cute!
Here's my shop - http://polkadotcandle.etsy.com
Hi Timothy - My favorite is "Gathering Flowers in the Country" - so precious. Such beautiful work!
Thanks for your great tips!
LOVE the jellyfish onesie!
I like the tea cup print.
This Old Birdhouse
bright jellyfish is my favorite, maybe because my sister is about to delivery another baby boy....
I love the zest earrings, very pretty. The gathering flowers dress is absolutely adorable!
As a rock person, gotta vote for the picasso jasper.
Hi there!
love your site!!
my fav top 10 was the jelly fish onesie.. so cute.. i dont have kids yet but maybe one day
I would love to be considered for next time's top 10
Thank you very much!
forgot to add my page
thanks for your time!
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