This past weeks Top 10 items received a total of1089 hits...With 2 sales!!!
- Owl Be Yours (sold)
1. Owl Pocket Mirror
- Flight
- Queen Anne's Lace
- Simon the Jack Russel
- Owl Journal (Sold)
- Hand-Dyed Wool
- My Garden Flowers
- The Owlchemist
- All you need is Love
- Owl Love Notes
Top 10 Spolight
Tune in to my Twitter channel every Monday at NOON for the top 10...
You can also find the Top 10 over on Plurk and the Handmadeology Forums!
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is the Thread for this week.
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LOVE that owl pocket mirror! I would love to be on your list!
I'm a fan of that yellow wool. Such a beautiful color!
I love the owl be yours birdie that sold. So cute!
The owl mirror is my fav!! So cute & fun!
owl be yours is my favorite! :)
I'm a Beatles fan, too. So I've got to go with CubicleMonkey's "All you need is love..."
My Garden Flowers are beautiful.
The pocket mirror is my fave! here is my store www.erosasjewelry.etsy.com
I love the red blossom earrings "garden" from pleasurearts!
Aloha Timothy! Love the owl journal that solded!
Love that owl pocket mirror and that owlchemist!
Would love to be featured.
My Shops:
thanks :)
Love this ! FLIGHT -sterling silver and copper necklace
The Queen Anne's Lace is simple yet elegant and the colors are beautiful! I just opened my shop last week here at etsy:
The people are so kind, talented, creative and giving - I thank you, Timothy, for being one of them! I would be honored to be featured, however, I wish everyone much luck either way...God Bless!
ooooo - All You Need Is Love is so cute. It gets my vote!
wow. someone was in a owly mood! I liked the owlchemist, for sure. So cute! :) I'd love love love to be picked! www.greeneyedgems.etsy.com
The Valentine Owl cards, for sure.
I love Erin Bowe's work it's so simple and textural. So Flight is my favorite.
I completely adore zemphira's owls!! especially the little owl be yours!!! She makes the greatest items!!!
They are all pretty nice pieces... if I had to pick one... All you need is Love.
I like the owl journal best!
My etsy; www.purplecatscorner.etsy.com
Hi Tim, love the My Flower Garden Earrings!
My favorite is the Owl Love Notes.
Owlchemist is my favorite!So cute and adorable..
Being partial to dogs, I love Simon the Jack Russel. :)
I'd love if you'd take a look at this shop.
She is a wonderful person and has great work. :)
Great features!
I love the flight necklace!
I love the Queen Anne's Lace photo. The colors are wonderful, and it is so very striking!!!
"My Garden Flowers" is my favorite out of this group!
My favorite is #2 "Flight".
Fave has to be "All you need is love" just bc my hubby and I are Beatles fans!!!
I'm a fan of my garden flowers...I see you were in a bit of an owl-y mood last week :)
I love the flight necklace. It's such a beautiful piece!
I Love the owl pocket mirror it is great.
Great owl pocket mirror!
Love "flight"...it's very organic and modern. Two things I look for in a piece of jewelry.
Cute collection of Owls in last week's Top 10 Monday, but I especially liked the "All You Need is Love" card - I'm a Beatles fan too!
I love those flower earings! They are all kinds of awesome!
I like FLIGHT the best - beautiful, original design
There are so many great items...but the one that really made me go "wow" was FLIGHT...gorgeous!
OWLS ARE MY FAVORITE!! I especially LOVE the silver owl pendant. WOW!
I absolutely love "Flight"! It's really a gorgeous combination of mixed metals!
The owl mirror is too cute. It makes me feel like a happy little girl!
I love polka dots and so of course I love the little altered owl journal. so cute
It would be great to be considered for your list. zendotstudio.etsy.com
I am very impressed with your site. Your work is beautiful and you are a wealth of information that you so kindly share. Thanks!
PS Do you ever find time to sleep?
Great selections!!
My favorite is Queen Anne's Lace photo!
I like the All You Need is Love stamp. Great list this week.
My favorite is the flower earrings although the Jack Russell is a close second. Not really into the owls.
Great pick though!!
OK. . . I love your blog. . .There, I've said it. I get so much insightful information and I get to see what other artists are creating.
The top ten this week was very cute. I loved the owl pocket mirror. I found it to be both unusual and cute!!
Check out my etsy store: prettyfaces.etsy.com.
I love to mix classic with modern elements.
Thanks again. . . and did I mention I love this blog!!
Great group, so glad I found your blog. Will check back often
Thanks for including me, Tim! :D
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