Saturday, December 6

My Best Friend Twitter

Twitter has quickly become my most effective form of promotion. My Twitter channel has been open for about 6 months... here are a few things that have resulted in using Twitter as a promo tool.

Making direct sales from my Twitter channel:

I have 10 direct sales from Twitter that I know of. I have my rss feed from my Etsy shop directly linked to my Twitter channel, so any time I list or renew an item it is posted on my Twitter channel. This is done through TwitterFeed . This will save you time!

Making professional contacts:

About 5 months ago I met someone who works for a software company and we got to talking and they gave me about $300 of free software downloads.. that I use everyday!

My most recenct story... I was following some random people on Twitter and i got a direct message from VPG_Printing informing me that i was their 1500 follower.. and they are giving me 500 8.5x11 flyers for free. Here is the flyer my wife designed for me.

Traffic increase to me blog, Etsy shop, Art Fire, and personal website:

Naturally with the use of TwitterFeed.. the traffic to my Etsy shop has increased greatly. I also have my blog rss linked through TwitterFeed. When ever i post a new blog post it send it straight to my Twitter channel.

With the stats on Art Fire I can see the direct effect of the promoting I do on Twitter

I have my personal website in my profile on my Twitter channel.. Useing Google Analytics I can see how many times my site is clicked on through my channel

Giving back to the Etsy community:

I also use my Twitter channel to help promote other Etsians....

Top ten Monday... This will be the 6th week i have run the Top ten on my Twitter channel

These top ten lists have resulted in direct confirmed sales and thousands of views for the Etsy shops featured.

Check out my article about branding your Etsy shop on Twitter HERE

Sign up for my INSIDER tips and tricks click HERE
Etsy modern jewelry Twitter metal traffic tips Google


Mea Culpa Bath and Body said...

dont you think people will un-follow me for having so many posts with links? Thats my main concern

timothy said...

that can be a concern..but provide your channel readers with useful info...

Additionsstyle said...

I have been on twitter for the last couple of months, and just trying to figure it all out. Thanks for the info.

Nisha said...

Timothy, you give the greatest tips!
i didn't know that we could make it so that updates are automatic on out twitter. is there a tutorial for this some place?

Anonymous said...

I would love to do this and tried but I am confused about how to set up the rss feeds for my indie page and artfire, and the blog I have set up .. im trying to get things rolling but its not working.

Malamoose said...

Thanks so much for the helpful information. I'm fairly new to twitter and could use all the help I can get on how to promote my Etsy shop and blog.

Unknown said...

I can't figure out how to put the rss feed into twitter.

I, too would benefit greatly from a tutorial!

Thank you for your help!

Mom O Matic said...

I would worry that the auto feed to Twitter would be perceived as spam. I'm so careful to make sure I intersperse listing twitters with casual twitters.

Anonymous said...

It's important to have balance with Twitter - I only really get un-followed when I a)say something that offends someone (unavoidable at times) or b)overdo it with my etsy listing links.

Other links, when I'm just having a conversation at large, are taken pretty well.

kellyvanhook said...

thanks so much for the great tips!! I've added it to my etsy shop and blog! you are awesome! kelly

Paddywack Designs said...

I know I have to do twitter ... things for illustrating why it's so important and for all you do for your fellow Etsians!

MyRecordPurse said...

Another great tip, Tim thanks for sharing,,you are the first person I started foloowing.

Anonymous said...

HI Timothy
I am having trouble trying to get the rss feed from my Etsy shop into Twitter, the steps on twitter are a bit confusing.
So I have to open an "openid" in order to make this happen?

Thanks for your advice!
Amanda @ amymaydesign

Kitchen Stories said...

You are a wealth of information, where ever you go... Thanks again Timothy!

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