If you are looking to add some outgoing links to your Art Fire Studio Bio.... here are the steps!
Check out my Art Fire studio Bio to see my out going links>> HERE
This requires a bit of html code.. But don't sacred!
Here is what the code looks like for the link to My Online Portfolio>>>
Now all you have to change is your info..
change all the red writing to your website link.. and change the blue writing to what you want it to say. You can copy and paste the code in the box and change own... You will need to paste the code in your bio section under Edit my studio!
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Excellent! Thanks, I have my blog and tiwtter there. Thanks again for being so helpful!
Great stuff as always Timothy. The ArtFire team really appreciates how willing you are to mentor and share your skills and knowledge with fellow artisans.
Keep up the good work, let us know if we can help.
EVP ArtFire.com
I guess you need to have some experience with what you're talking about, because I did not understand your explanation at ALL.
It sounds like a great idea, I just don't get it.
FerragamoStudio, I'm going to convo you on Etsy to help you out.
Tim, thanks as always!!!
Thanks Tim for sharing. As always, you're very helpful.
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